The relative success of an organization’s response to local healthcare needs depends to a large degree on how well the community is connected. Unfortunately, in many locations, the community is burdened with a loose, disconnected patchwork of various local service providers.
They each have their own software setup and unique computational infrastructure, which are not typically designed for easy communication from one group to the next.
A major problem with such a situation is that healthcare professionals and other service providers wind up needlessly wasting a lot of time and resources. For example, they may have to deal with repeat calls, provide the same educational information to patients/caretakers and are often disorganized to the point where they are misallocating resources that are costly or in already short supply. That’s bad not just for the organization in question but for the community as a whole.
What healthcare professionals need is a network that easily connects healthcare providers with nonprofit and for-profit entities, EMS and law enforcement along with social services and behavioral health experts. If you can cut down response times, reduce wasted efforts in communicating to responders and patients and allocate resources more efficiently, your local population will be stronger and healthier as a result.
Safeguarding Patient Information While Providing Lifesaving Services
Data that you collect and generate from patients in the United States is subject to protection under regulations of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). But when privacy concerns result in software systems that slow down or hamper access because the various parties are not allowed to share patient data, it can result in obstacles or delays in providing service.
But the cloud-based Julota platform is protected with robust security protocols as we follow industry best practices for safeguarding sensitive information on each patient. So doctors and nurses as well as emergency medical professionals can quickly access the patient’s salient details, from history to current drug prescriptions to special comments about a patient’s progress. This is information that various service providers would benefit from by accessing it quickly whether while out in the field or in the ER.
You can use the Julota platform to easily provide referrals to patients with a single click, eliminating the need for phone calls or filling out repetitive paperwork. All information is held securely but is still available to share between community service providers.
What’s more, healthcare professionals rely on Julota to remain legally compliant as they share background and historical data about patients’ medical encounters. All the while, each organization maintains its own separate software and computer system, but can easily communicate with each other via the platform.
Whether you are endeavoring to cut down on needless duplication of emergency medical services or are more focused on providing faster access to sensitive medical details on patients to the providers who need it ASAP, the Julota platform will help you break out of your data silo and stay connected to the various healthcare responders in your community.
Working With Julota to Help Connect Your Community for Better Healthcare Provider Response
When time is of the essence, it pays to have a solid platform to connect various community healthcare resources to securely share medical records for better collaboration and to boost the level of patient care without raising costs.
If you and fellow stakeholders in your healthcare organization have been looking for a platform to enable easier and timelier sharing of vital patient information, you’ve come to the right place. The team at Julota, an award-winning community interoperability platform knows that you may need more information before getting started with our SaaS platform. Click here for a demonstration or click here to connect with us.
Julota Review
“Peace Island Medical Center has embraced the community health needs assessment process as a means of realizing our mission. Our mission includes building a strong, healthy community by engaging with our community partners to identify disparities and prioritize community health needs. Julota provides our community with a common information exchange that allows us to track the coordination of referrals to address social and economic health needs for our patients outside the hospital walls. Healthier communities enable all of us to rise to a better life. Julota is an important community connector technology that will assist us in creating a better future for our
— Beth Williams-Gieger, Peace Island Medical Center Director of Administrative Services